英语翻译My feeling about《a fire》The story is mainly about:The ho


  • 嗯..我在不大改的情况下给你微调一下.

    My feeling about《a fire》

    The story is mainly about:The house was on fire.The fireman arrived in time to put out the fire, and later we discovered that the cause of the fire was a lighted cigarette. From that day the author's father gave up smoking.

    My feeling about:(?)Everyone should be careful. Do not like the father in the story of the same careless(?) , throwing a cigavette on the carpet. Consigned to the flames(?),But for firemen arrived in time,May also burn other people go!(?)

    This is areally great story,You should read it.


    From my point of view, everyone should avoid doing the similar things as what the author's careless father has done in the story, throwing lighted cigarettes on the carpet, which may easily catch fire in the house. Fortunately, the firemen arrived in time, or the other people may be injured.
