新概念三 58课At least sorting out the things she should have disc


  • At least sorting out the things she should have discarded years ago was now being made easier for her.

    should have done :是:过去完成时,表示本应应该怎么样(实际上没有),

    being ,在这里不要单独看,要和was being made一起,被动式的过去进行时,表示过去一种持续的状态.翻译的话:was being made:在这里表示是一种动作:就是将一些东西找出来扔掉的动作,



    So their entry into this flat was apparently not the burglasrs' first job that dat and they must have been disturbed...原句是这个呀,没发现你说的 have have 啊.