一些初中英语问题,English brother(英语帝)来帮忙啊!(二)


  • 您好,很高兴为您

    1 never 可以后跟过去式吗?


    have never done never have done

    2 90-words 90-word 90 words 90 words 这四种表达方式哪几种正确?词性分别又是什么

    没有90-words,90-word 是个形容词 “90个字的” 90 words 名词词组 “90个字”

    3 We live futher dowm on the (other)(另一边的)side of the road可不可用oppsite?


    4 有没有according that

    没有,可以according to that

    5 The first player ()(reach)the finishing line is the winner in the competition.

    这句话reach改怎么变?话说该怎么翻译啊,finshing line 又是什么东西啊!

    因为后面已有谓语is, 所以前半句应用非谓语结构,又因为主语与动作时主动关系,所以reach改为reaching, finishing line“(赛跑的)终点线”

    6 It ————(stop) raining when I wake up this morning.我早上醒来的时候,雨已经停了

    老师说是had stopped 请问一下怎样看出来是过去式啊?

    stop动作发生在wake up之前,而wake是过去式,某个时间点之前已经完成的事情,用过去完成时.所以是过去的过去 had stopped

    7 since a year/week 老师怎么给我打错了呢?正确怎么写?(现在完成时中)

    since后接过去的一个时间点,表示“自过去某个时间点以来”,因此可以用since a year/week ago.

    8 I know the place.there is many tress.(合并为一句)

    I know the place with many tress. 为什么用with而不用has?

    用has ,与前面的know构成两个谓语,一个句子只能有一个谓语,所以不对.

    也可以译作 I know the place where there are(用are) many trees.

    9 The boy was made to stand there for an hour by his father.

    The lazy boy was made to copy the text twice after class. 为什么两句话中都用make to do

    make...to do sth 让.做某事 固定搭配,被动就是be made to do.

    10 你觉得后羿射日的故事怎么样

    What do you think about the story of the XXX? what变为How think变为like 可以么?

    think about改为like, what改为how 可以的

    附加一个 Johb——has benn—— in england since he came. 为啥不用had been,since后面是过去式,不是“过去的过去”?

    since he came 自他来了之后, John has been in England 这个动作发生在“came”之后,而非之前.所以用选择完成时have done形式,表示过去动作持续到现在.



