一碗面条 作文


  • 一碗面条我们人人都感受过母爱,而母爱不一定是惊天动地的大事,而是由涓涓细流汇集而成的,母爱更多是润物细无声,在生活中无处不在。也许是你上学前的一句叮咛,也许是夏天里一个冷冷的冰淇淋,也许是你生病时的一个抚摸……记得有一年冬天,我在放学回家的路上,刺骨的北风迎面向我吹来,打在我的脸上,像刀割一样,我想用手捂住自己的脸,但却发现手已经冻的不听使唤了,上牙与下牙只打颤,我想尽快跑回家,可是脚已经冻僵了。我一步一挪步履艰难的回到了家,进到家里,身上才稍微暖和了一些,这时,我妈妈走了过来,并端来了一碗热气腾腾、香气扑鼻的面条,她微笑着说:“来,快吃碗面条暖暖身子吧,你在外面一定冻坏了。”我先看看了妈妈那张慈祥的脸,又望了望她手中的面条,心里暖暖的,身上的寒冷一下子就飞得无影无踪了。我接过来面条仔细端祥了一番:雪白的面条、青绿色的汤、上面还飘着葱花,我顿时热泪盈眶,流下了幸福和感激的眼泪,我一口一口的把面条喝了下去。虽然这只是一碗普普通通的清汤面,但我感觉它是人世间最美味的佳肴!因为了里面包含着母亲对我那份温馨的爱意。这爱是浓浓的,浓浓的糊在心头。人世间最真挚、最无私、最无暇的爱便是母爱,谁言寸草心、报得三春晖,我一定好好学习,长大后报答母亲的养育之恩!谢谢你我亲爱的母亲!A bowl of noodlesWe all felt a mother, but maternal love are not necessarily earth-shaking event, but by the trickle of drops, and maternal love more to moisten things silently, in life everywhere. Perhaps the one before school exhort you, maybe a cold ice cream in the summer, perhaps a touch when you are sick … …Remember one winter, I was walking home from school, the biting north wind blowing in the face to me, playing on my face, like a knife, I would like to hand over his face, but that hand has been lose control of the cold, only the upper teeth and lower teeth chattering, I tried my best sprint home, but the foot has been frozen.I have moved a step back gets tough at home, into the house, who was a little warm some, then, my mother came over, and end to a bowl of steaming, fragrant noodles, she said, smiling :, "Come, quick warm up a bowl of noodles it, you must freeze out." I saw my mother look goes kind face, and looked her in the hands of noodles,The warm heart, cold body suddenly flying without a trace. I took it carefully side Cheung noodles a lot: white noodles, green soup, topped with chopped green onion floating, I suddenly tears, shed tears of happiness and gratitude, I drank a mouthful of the noodles down. Although this is only a bowl of soup noodles ordinary, but I feel it is the most delicious food on earth! Because the there is a good mother to my share of warm love. This love is deep, thick paste in the heart.The most sincere human world, the most selfless, maternal love is the most love of all, Who made the inch of grass, reported in the apartments, I must study hard and grow up to repay his mother for the upbringing of grace! Thank you my dear mother!