

  • 自己丝毫不懂英语,用翻译软件一翻就拿出来用,这类人很没有责任心.

    People who don't know a word about English, but what they can do is to use the translation software to produce weird sentences, are short of responsibility.

    懂一点点英语, 自以为是, 用自己仅知的几个单词象拼音一样硬拼出英语来.

    Some people have learned limited English, and think they can speak perfect English. However, the truth is that they can only put a few words they know to pretend to know English very well.

    较懂英语, 但是对国外文化没有了解, 主要依靠字典, 这些人我称之为字典兵.

    There are also some people who can understand English itself very well, but do not have a comprehensive understanding of English culture. They usually depend on dictionary to find out the meaning. This type of people is called “the slave of dictionary.”

    英语很好, 但是过于讲究英语化, 反而变得不论不类.

    Other people who can speak good English and pursue the perfection of English, seem to be anomalies.
