英语填空题:读一读,选一选,填一填 was.were wasn't ,weren't ,is,are ,isn't ,a


  • 你好,很高兴为你解答.


    正确答案是:1.I【 was】fat then.I【 am】thin now

    2.We【 were】short then.We【 are】tall now

    3.The book【 was】new then.It【 is】old now.

    4My grandparents【 weren't 】old then.They【 were】young then.

    5.She 【 is】loud now.She 【 is】quiet now.

    6.Where【 was】the food then?

    It【 was】on the second floor then.

    7.Where【were】the vegetables then?

    They 【were】on the first floor then.不懂请追问,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻~~望采纳,祝开心~!