英语 20道综合填空(首字母填空),以及10道补全对话.


  • Do you know Mexico?It is to the s________part of USA.It's not a d________country.The population of it is much smaller than t________of

    America.It rains l_________in Mexico.Different kinds of people live t________.All the people do not speak the same language.Spanish is spoken by m_________ people,and Indian is spoken,too.Some people can

    also speak English.Great differences are found between the m_________

    cities and the countryside.New ways of l__________ are popular in the cities,while the old ways of farming and v_______life are also common in the countryside.More and more people come to live and work in the cities every year.Many people around the world are b_______ to visit Mexico.

    1.southern(南部的) 2.developed(发达的) 3.that(代指人口) 4.little(少) 5.together(一起) 6.most(大多数) 7.modern(现代化的) 8.life(生活) 9.village(乡村) 10.beginning(开始)