Bloody friendship(17) 作文


  • Chapter 17Yeah, right.What could be more serious than this?! Like someone cheated on my best friend and I shouldn’t worry?“You see. It was all set up long ago, before any of us noticed.” Andy began, his eyes fell upon the floor.I made no comment.“It’s Victor who planned all this. He somehow got Katlin to help him. First, she suddenly started to hang with you, so she could get the chance to be near Todd. Then she made Todd cheat on Helen. And when Helen finds out, she will be very upset, this is when…” He suddenly stopped, as if the words slipped out by accident.“When what?” I asked curiously. “Keep on talking!” But Andy shook his head.“I’m sorry.” He said. “I’m not supposed to tell you too much. And yet, I have,”“Why can’t you tell me? It’s no harm.”“Believe me, it’s for your own good.” He hesitated. “Too much secret will be a burden. So now, don’t think about it too much. Pretend you don’t know anything, just let it be.”“But what about Helen then, do you have no sympathy for the poor girl?” I was again, very angry, yelling at him.“We have no power to change the fact, nor destiny. Let things be the way they are. Results are already decided long…long ago.”“Do you believe in fortune tellers? If so, I certainly have nothing left to say. But if not, I wonder, is there anyone who can predict the future? I dare say, not. So how can you be so darn sure?”Andy remained in complete silence.“This is so ridiculous. What ever it is, you should not be keeping it away from me. So now can you explain the whole thing to me? Like why are you so scared of Victor? What did he say to you? And what does Victor’s plan have to do with Helen?”Andy scratched his head for a minute. “His name is Vanchis, not Victor.” He raised his head to see my astonished face. “He is a vampire.”For a moment, I thought he was kidding. He must be kidding. I burst out laughing.“Andy, that was so funny. You know very well vampires don’t even exist in this world! They are only in horror stories. Have you read too much of them?”But maybe he wasn’t kidding after all, I could tell by his expression. Miracles do exist, huh?“How can you be so sure?” Maybe I should stop getting on his nerve.“I know it, I am one of those too, remember?” He yelled.No, actually I don’t remember.What the heck is going on?