It took Bruce a few months to save up(积攒) fifteen dollars(美元


  • It took Bruce a few months to save up(积攒) fifteen dollars(美元).He wanted to 1 a basketball .So he went to the shop with the money(钱).On the way,Bruce saw a little girl 2 at the shop gate.“ 3 are you crying?” Bruce asked .“Two big boys took 4 my two dollars a moment ago,” the girl said,“I was 5 my way to buy some exercise-books,but now I 6 ”The little girl cried again .Bruce touched the money in his pocket.He thought of 7 and looked at the poor girl.Bruce wanted to walk away.8 He didn’t .He 9 two dollars to the girl and went home Bruce felt 10 .Do you know why?

    x09( )1.x09A.bring x09B.borrow x09x09D.ask for

    x09( )2.x09A.cry cry x09x09C.cried x09x09D.crying

    x09( )3.x09A.Why x09B.Whatx09x09C.Who x09x09D.When

    x09( ) x09x09B.away x09x09C.up x09x09D.out

    x09( ) x09x09C.on x09x09D.from

    x09( )6.x09A.can’t not x09C.won’t x09D.don’t

    x09( )7.x09A.his way x09B.the football C.the shop x09D.the basketball

    x09( )8.x09A.Or x09x09B.So x09x09C.But x09x09D.And

    x09( ) x09x09B.gave x09x09C.showed x09D.put

    x09( )10.x09A.cold x09x09B.happy x09C.sorry x09x09D.afraid

    答案1—5 CDABC 6—10 ADCBB