I'm walking the earth with a sword and a broken heart,do not compel me to draw my sword .
我就是人工翻译的啊,“仗剑走天涯”就是walking the earth with a sword
,这是高级口译词汇但中收录的,感觉感觉跟你说的意境很像啊,“碎心”是我给填上去的“broken heart”
I'm walking the earth with a sword and a broken heart,do not compel me to draw my sword .
我就是人工翻译的啊,“仗剑走天涯”就是walking the earth with a sword
,这是高级口译词汇但中收录的,感觉感觉跟你说的意境很像啊,“碎心”是我给填上去的“broken heart”