

  • 上册

    1.A:What's this in English?

    B:It's a key.

    A:Spell it,please.


    A:Whay color is it?

    B:It's red.

    2.A:Let's play soccer.

    B:That sounds good.

    A:Do you have a soccer ball?

    B:No,I don't.But I have a basketball.Let's play basketball.

    A:Ok,let's play.

    3A:What kind of movies do you like?

    B:I like action movies.

    A:Why do you like they?

    B:They're exciting.


    1.A:Excuse me.Is there a bank in the neighborhood?

    B:Yes,there is.Just go straight and turn right.It's down Long Street.It's next to a hotel.

    A:Thank you very much.

    B:You're welcome.

    2.A:Let's see the pandas.

    B:Why do you like pandas?

    A:Because they're cute.

    B:Well,I like koalas.

    A:Why do you like koalas?

    B:Because they're very intereting.

    3.A:What do you do?

    B:I am a waiter.

    A:What do you want to be?

    B:I want to be a teacher.

    4.A:What did you do last weekend?

    B:I went to the beach.

    A:How was your weekend?

    B:It was great.

    5.A:What do you think of Enlish Today?

    B:I love it.

    A:How about Chinese Cooking?

    B:Oh,I can't stand it.Cooking is for moms!