

  • 401.after a short while 不久之后 402.be uncertain about 不确信,对…没有把握 403.add a.to b.将 a添加到b 404.be honoured for sth.因…而感到荣幸 405.make a contribution to sth.对某事做出贡献 406.be set in California 以加里拂尼亚为背景 407.pick up 1.捡起,拾其 2搭车 408.be caught in a snow storm 遭遇暴风雪 409.in a great hurry 匆忙 410.bring up sb.抚养,养育 411.Excuse me for doing sth为...感到抱歉.412.What a shame 太遗憾了 413.be pressed with 414.in the late 1870s 19世纪70年代后期 415.keep a bank 经营银行 416.here and there 到处 417.can’t help doing sth.禁不住做某事 418.trade with 与..做交易 419.first day covers 420.sooner or later 迟早 421.add to sth.添加 422.used stamps 用过的邮票 423.tell the difference between a.and b.辨别a与 b 424.fill a.with b.用b 装满a 425.generally speaking 一般来说 426.struggle against 反对,抗争,挣扎 427.from area to area 不同区域 426.below freezing 零度以下 427.all the year round 全年 428.natural gas 天然气 429.a great deal of 大量的,许多 430.on average 平均 431.make use of 利用 432.keep alive 保持活力 433.offer sb.a lift room 434.clear sth.up 清除 435.the other day 前几天 436.tidy sth.up 打扫干净 437.knock sb.off 撞到某人 438.What happened to me?发生什么事 439.take it easy 别急 440.stay still 不要动 441.medical care 医疗服务 442.at the back of 在……背后 443.deal with 处理 444.pour a.into b.把a倒入b 445.keep out of the reach of 放在够不着的地方 446.do sth.by mistake 误做某事 447.nearby hospital 附近的医院 448.large quantities of 大量的 449.be fit for sb.适合某人 450.hear about 听说 451.standing room 452.pay special attention to 特别注意 453.deep in the heart of 深入内心 454.fail to do sth.做某事失败 455.time and time again 一次又一次 456.lose one’s sight 失明 457.be present 在场,出席 458.off the coast 临近海岸 459.living things 活物 460.die out 灭绝,绝种 461.in all 大体上 462.point to / at 指向 463.to one’s great joy 令人高兴的事 464.be that foolish 那样傻 465.judge sb.by the clothes 以貌取人 466.put sb.to the trouble of doing sth.使人受困于某事 467.apologize to sb.for sth 为某事向某人道歉 468.be after 随后 469.do sb.a favor 帮忙 470.make sth to sb’s own measure 劲力做某事 471.depend on sb.依赖某人 472.drop in at / in sb./ a place 拜访某人,某地 473.once upon a time 从前 474.do up one’s button 扣扣子 475.take sb.seriously 认真对某人 476.What is worse 更糟的是 477.be suitable for doing sth 适应做某事 478.keep back 隐瞒,保留 479.be equal to 与……相等 480.pretend to do sth.假装作某事 481.play a part of 起部分作用 482.be caught in 遭遇,(不幸)被逮住I取代 483.be anxious about 担心(某事) 484.be likely to do sth.可能做某事 485.call in 拜访 486.take the place I取代 487.30cm by 30cm by 50cm 30cm ×30cm× 50cm 488.for one thing 一方面 489.make a lot of noise 制造很多噪音 490.stare straight at sb.注视某人 491.bend over 弯腰,俯身 492.worse still 更糟的是 493.attack one’s attention 吸引某人注意力 494.carry off 拿走,夺走 495.look into 调查,观察 496.run out of food 消费完食物 From Senior Book Four 497.do a word puzzle 玩文字游戏 498.all through one’s life 终其1一生 499.lead to sth 导致(某事)