英语,练习题,汉译英.1.他前天夜里给我打了4次电话,昨天下午打了2次.2.你什么时候打开电视的?3.她心中暗想:‘ 汤


  • 1.他前天夜里给我打了4次电话,昨天下午打了2次.He phoned me 4 times the night before last and twice yesterday afternoon.

    2.你什么时候打开电视的?When did you turn / switch on the TV?

    3.她心中暗想:‘ 汤姆对伦敦不是很熟悉,因此昨天迷路了.’She thought to herself,"Tom isn't familiar with London,so he was lost / lost his way yesterday."

    4.他今早匆匆忙忙地刮胡子,结果把自己划得满脸是伤.This morning he shaved in a hurry only to get his face scratched all over.

    5.恐怕像这样的黑色鞋子在两个月前就不流行了.I am afrraid black shoes like this went out of fashion two months ago.