


    The skin does a great deal more than hold your bones,muscles and organs together.It acts as a barrier against environmental pollutants,chemicals and harmful bacteria.The skin also helps the body to rid itself of toxins through its sweat glands.

    The skin is our largest route of elimination,excreting more than 2 pounds of waste each day,and taking in air and sunshine.Our skin breathes!And yet,in most people,this vital route of detoxification is operating far below its capacity,because it is clogged with dead skin cells and the un-removed waste excreted through perspiring and toxin levels that are too high.

    In just 30 minutes the Ion Cleanse begins to reduce the levels of toxins and chemicals stored in the body.The results:Clear,blemish free skin,smooth and glowing with health,any dark areas under the eyes are lightened,the skin’s color and beauty radiates naturally through.The aging of our skin slows and we are able to gain a more youthful appearance.