try your best to encourange her so that she may succeed in h


  • 这是一个条件句,整句应是If you try your best to encourage her so that she may succeed in her job's interview.这实际上是can(could)和may的区别,一、can的用法:①表示有能力做某事,意为“能、会”.如:The girl can sing in English.②表示许可,意为“可以”,如:You can drive my car to the post office.③表示推测,意为“也许,可能”.如:He can’t be your brother,you don’t look the same.二、may的用法:①表示请求,语气比can弱.如:–May I use your eraser?– Certainly.But you must give it back to me soon.②表示推测,意为“也许,可能”.如:She may be at home.Let’s go to see him.实际上它们只有一点小区别,等你上了大学就会知道这些并不重要.