三.英汉互译.25 属于________ 26 从.带走________ 27 彼此;互相________ 28 相当多


  • 三.英汉互译.

    25 属于_belongt to 26 从.带走take away from

    27 彼此;互相each other 28 相当多 quite a few

    29 let out 释放;发出,泄漏 30 be known as 以……著称

    31 in fact 事实上 32 走进 walk in

    33 订一个房间book a room 34 火灾出口 fire escape

    35 睡觉 fall asleep 36 look out 注意,小心

    37 show up 出现,露面 38 seem like似乎,好像

    39 belong to 属于 40 从某种程度上说 in some way

    41 注意 pay attention to 42 看起来愚蠢 appear foolish

    43 弹吉他 play the guitar 44 至少 at least

    45 打开 open up 46 a light 一盏灯


    47 吉姆正在合他的朋友们踢球

    Jim is playing fottball with his friends

    48 请互相传一传这些礼物

    Please pass each other these gifts.

    Please pass these gifts among each other

    49 那个男孩每天都给他奶奶读报纸

    That boy reads newspaper to grandma every day.

    50 我坐在椅子上睡着了

    I sat in a chair and I went to sleep.

    54 我不会介意这种吵闹声

    I don't mind the noise

    52 你在十英里外就会听见

    You'll hear it ten miles away

    53 我爷爷什么也听不见

    My grandfather is totally deaf

    54 这首诗要告诉我们,我们生活中的有些日子很无聊

    The pome is going to tell us that some days in our lives are boring.

    55 老师通常把我分成四人一组

    The teacher usually divide into teams of four studengts.

    56 十年来我们学校发生了巨大的变化

    Great changes have taken place in out school since ten years ago.

    57 患难的朋友才是真的朋友

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.


    58 sense,is,over,spread,whick,whole,your,body.

    Which sense is spread over your whole body?

    59 went,they,the,to,desk,reception.

    They went to the reception desk.

    60 don't,we,pets,allow,this,in,hotel.

    We don't allow pets in this hotel.

    61 heard,I,the,sound,then,engine,of,fire,a.

    Then I heard the sound of a fire engine.(我听到了消防车的声音)


    1 It no longer provides a good environment (改为同义句)

    It doesn't provide a good environment any longer.

    2 My father was a teacher in the past (改为同义句)

    My father used to be a teacher.

    3 I can see something in the room.

    I can't see everything in the room.(not+everything/all= some)
