

  • 反意疑问句


    1. 陈述句部分的主语是one时,附加问句部分主语正式场合用one,非正式场合用he.例如:

    One should do one's best for the work, shouldn't one(he)? One must do one's duty, needn't one(he)?

    2. 陈述句部分是I'm...时,附加问句部分常用aren't I?例如:

    I'm twelve, aren't I? I'm a good driver, aren't I?

    3. 陈述句部分是there be时, 附加问句部分也要用there.例如:

    There is some milk in the bottle, isn't there?

    There are many people in the park on Sunday, aren't there?

    4. 陈述句部分以let's开头时,附加问句部分要用shall we;若以 let us开头时,附加问句部分要用 will you?例如: Let's

    have a break, shall we? Let us stop here, will you?

    5. 陈述句部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody, somebody等不定代词时,附加问句部分可用he,也可用they.例如:

    Everyone knows his own language, doesn't he? Everybody enjoyed the film, didn't he/they?

    6. 陈述句部分有never, none, nothing, no等否定词或few, little, hardly 等半否定词时,附加问句部分要用肯定形式.例如:

    You never read this novel, do you?

    Few people can live to 150, can they?

    7. 当陈述句部分是一个含有从句的主从复合句时,附加问句部分的形式要看主句,其主语及动词都要与主句保持一致.例如: He says she is a good teacher, doesn't he?

    They said the teacher had left, didn't they?

    但当主句是I think, I believe等结构时,附加问句部分形式要看从句.例如:

    I think she is all right now, isn't she? I don't believe he is here, is he?

    8. 陈述句部分是祈使句的否定形式时,附加问句部分常用will you? 例如:

    Don't make any noise, will you? How long 的用法

    did, do, will过去时,现在时,将来时.

    顾名思义就是HOW LONG对于三个不同时态发生事件的提问.

    did 过去时,例如:How long did it take you to finish the test?


    do 现在时,例如:How long do you stay here? (对现在的提问) 你要在这里呆多久?

    will 将来时,例如:How long will it be? (对将要延续的还未到的时间的提问) 要等多久的时间呢?

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