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    How to propose

    If you want to propose to your beloved,you must be brave and you got to know you have started ruining the latter half of your life.If you have no problem with it,here are some tips.First,prepare a romantic dinner,put a 5 carat big diamond ring inside hers ice cream.When she sees the diamond ring,than she will become your wife.What?You don't have enough money to buy a ring like that?Excuse me,but do you really love her?Well,if unfortunately,she rejectes you,take out your notebook and read your eloquence you early prepared.Be sure to make her happy,leading her to fall into your trap.Or if possible,create an affair to make her jealous and propose to her at a right time,you then may get a thousand "yes" from her.Finally,you're there wherever she goes,and tell her“I love you,do you love me?If you don’t love me,I will die.” Bribes all her good friends,keep good relations with her families.Careful,this could be very tricky,because you'll have lots of work to do:you'll treat them dinners and go shopping with them.Hope you won't die in their mountain-sized package one day.Well my friend,be very brave to get married,brave enough to say goodbye to your old friends,your favorite alchole,and your lovely days of chilling out.May you succeed.