英文诗 i like.i also like


  • 谁把聂鲁达的《我喜欢你是寂静的》也放上去了 初三等级的是吗

    I like the breath in the spring air,我喜欢春天的气息

    I also like the snowflake on the Christmas tree.我也喜欢圣诞树上悬挂的雪花

    I like the grass in the desert, 我喜欢沙漠中的小草

    I also like the wave in the ocean. 也喜欢海洋中的巨浪

    I like the fantastic views in the foreign countries 我喜欢绮丽的异域风光

    I also like the motherland which brings me up. 我也喜欢抚养我长大的故乡

    自己写的哦 要改的话可以追问 觉得好就追分吧~