

  • My name is XXX, a very healthy 18-year-old senior high school student from Beijing with a height of 1.8 m, weight of 70kg, good at playing basketball, very easy going and I love making plenty of friends.


    姓名(XXX) : 我名叫某某

    体格(very healthy) 非常健康

    现职(senior high school student ) 高中学生

    年龄(18-year-old) 18岁

    藉贯(from Beijing) 来自北京

    身高( height of 1.8m) 身高1.8公尺

    体重(weight of 70/kg) 体重70公斤

    特长(good at playing basketball) 善长於蓝球

    性格(very easy going and I love making plenty of friends.) 平易近人,喜爱结交很多好友.
