外贸函电作文Suppose you are the seller,the buyer accepted your off


  • 你想偷懒吗?不行的,老师会打手板心的!我这里写的你不能抄,只能照葫芦画瓢自己写.OK?

    Dear Buyer,

    I'm writing to follow up with you on your acceptance of our offer last week.

    As you may have already learned,our product meets your expectations perfectly.Our delivery will fit into your schedule better than our competitors.We did talk about the price of this product during our negotiation a few days back.But I'm happy to let you know that our bulk sale price can go down even 10% further provided you increase your order quantity by 10%.And this new offer will end by the end of this week due to the raw material price hike the week after.Please let me know if you are ready to place an order with us.

    Should you have any questions,I'm always ready here for you.Talk to you soon!

