第二节:短文写作 (共1题,满分25分) 假设你是李华,上周五参加了学校为高三学生举行的成人仪式。请根据以下四幅图的顺序


  • 第二节:短文写作 (共1题,满分25分)



    参考词汇:成人仪式the Coming-of-Age ceremony


    Dear Tom,

    Last Friday, I took part in the Coming-of-Age Ceremony in our school, which was quite a meaningful occasion in my life.

    _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    That’s what we did on this special occasion. Do you have similar events in the USA? Please let me know if you do.


    Li hua

    One possible version:

    Dear Tom,



    day, I took part in the Coming-of-Age Ceremony in our school, which was quite a meaningful occasion in my life.

    Formally dressed, we gathered at the school auditorium at 2 pm

    , waiting for the great moment to come. On the stage sa

    t our beloved teachers and some parents.

    At the beginning, our president and a parent delivered to us their congratulations and

    best wishes. We could feel both their love and expectations. Then tw


    students, representing us, expressed our gratitude and det

    ermination to take on responsibilities. The most moving moment came when we were given the l

    etters from parents. Tears rolled down my face as

    I read, recalling e

    ach memor

    able moment in my life and feelin


    the ever-lasting love fro

    m my parents. At the end of the ceremony, all of us prom

    ised to try our best, not only for ou

    rselves as adults, but also for our families and ou

    r society.


    e Coming-of-Age ceremony, for me, is more than a ceremony; it is an instructive lesson.

    That’s what we did on this special occasion. Do you h

    ave similar events

    in the USA? Please let me know if you do.



    Li hua
