

  • Dear Sir

    I have received your letter of October 17 and I regret that I wore the wrong shoes and didn't tie up hair.

    I am aware of the consequences of this.But I honestly would like to let you know the reason why it happened.Last Sunday,My shoes were stained by my 3 years old brother who I can not punish him.Then I cleaned the shoese and went to my grandmother's home .When I went home ,I was crazy about my brother painted the color on my shoes.I thought tomorrow I am not going to wear these shoes.Another one is the sports shoes.So i have no choose but wear the sports shoes.The reason why my hair was not tied up is that I paid not enough attention to the announcement.I admit it is my mistake.

    Please give me a chance and I am sure I won't wear the wrong shoes to school again.Also.I am sincerely apologize for what I had done,please forgive me.

    Yours truly

    Annie Chan