

  • (1)形容词+v-ing,同"系表结构"

    a good-looking boy =a boy who looks good 相貌好看的男孩

    an ordinary-looking man 相貌平常的人

    nice-smelling flowers 香气扑鼻的花


    a well-written novel =a novel that iswell written 写得好的小说

    best-housed people 居住条件最好的人

    a newly-published article 新发表的文章


    an ill-tempered m an =a m an whose temper is ill 脾气坏的人

    short-sighted students =students with short sight 近视的学生

    又如:sweet-tempered 性情温和的

    tender-hearted 软心肠的


    an apple-green shirt =a shirt being as green as apple苹果绿衬衫

    snow-white walls 雪白的墙

    a piece of sky-blue cloth 一块天蓝色的布