英语创新测试题1.The park is ( )than than one to us.A.nearer B.near


  • 1.The park is ( A )than than one to us.

    A.nearer B.near C.nearly D.nearet


    2.He is( A )than Tom and Jim.

    A.taller B.higher C.heavyer D.longer


    3.Whose is ( B )of the ten cities?

    A.most beautiful B.the most beautiful

    C.the beautifulest D.beautiful

    三个以上比较的选最高级.beautiful是多音节,所以比较级用more,最高级用the most.

    4.The film is( D )than than TV play.

    A.boringer B.most boring C.the most boring D.more boring


    5.Our school is( A )than theirs.

    A.better B.badder C.farer D.newwer


    6.Tony studied( C )than any other boy in his class.

    A.more hardly B.hardest C.harder D.harder

    7.The film was so ( )than I want to see it again.

    A.interested B.interesting aca.interest D.more interesting

    8.He usually runs very( ).But yesterday he did not run as( )as I.

    A.fast,faster B.faster,faster C.faster,fast D.fast,fast

    9.I am as( )as you,but you look( )than I.

    A.old,younger B.older,youngger C.older,young D.old,young

    10.The computer is( )of all.

    A.most expensive B.more expensive

    C.the most expensive D.expensive

    11.I have( )water than you.

    A.fewer B.less C.much D.little