

  • 春节 Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival(春节是中国的传统节日).Every Spring Festival(每逢春节来临).Every household cleaning(家家户户都要打扫卫生).And every family couplets or Window guards posted(每家都贴春联或者贴窗花).New Year's first day(新年的初一).People get up early,put on the most beautiful clothes,neatly dressed,go to attempt to visit each other Happy New Year,wish good luck next year(人们都早早起来,穿上最漂亮的衣服,打扮得整整齐齐,出门去走亲访友,相互拜年,恭祝来年大吉大利).Separated the two and some friends would call New Year(也有的朋友相隔两地,会打电话拜年).In short,everyone in the New Year happily play all day(总之,每个人在春节这天都玩的高高兴兴).