四,上下文填空:A:( ) ,boys Is there a restaurant here B:Yes,( )It’s


  • 四,上下文填空:

    (1) A:【 Excuse me】 ,boys Is there a restaurant here

    B:Yes,【there is】 It’s【next】to the supermarket.

    (2) A:I want to go to Nanjing【Street

    Are there any clothes【over】there?

    B:Let me 【see】 .Oh,yes,And there are some food shops too.

    You can buy many 【things】there.

    (3) A:Can you 【show】 me the way?-----------空格填“tell”也可以.

    B:Yes,of course.

    A:Thank you so 【much】 ,boys

    B:It’s 【my】 pleasure.