

  • 1.Do you often have a cold?_No, I don't.____________________________2.What should you do if you have a cold?__I usually have some medicine, wear more clothes to keep warm. If it's a badly cold I will go to see the doctor___________________________3.What should you do if you have a toothache?__Go to see the dentist____________________________4.What should you do if you have a sore throat?__I will have some cough lozenges_________________________________5.And what should you do if you have a stomachache?__I will have some digestant and keep warm. Or go to the hospital._________________________________6.What should you do if you have a headache?__Most time I will go to sleep and have a good rest.___________________________________7.Should you exercise if you want to feel very well every day?__I want, But because I am very lazy, so I don't think I can keep doing it._________________