

  • Although this winter was extremely cold,I felt very warm in my heart for I had given a helping hand to a little dog.

    Last Sunday,it was snowing heavily.Though covered with many clothes,I still couldn’t help shivering walking in the neighborhood.Suddenly,I came across a little stray dog.He looked weak with his eyes closed.And I was afraid it would die in the bad condition.In order to save it,

    I held the dog gently,and then ran home as fast as I could and gave him some food and drinks.By chance,I noticed a ring on his neck,which showed he had his own home.In order to help him find it,I put up a “Dog-Found-Notice” and received a call full of gratitude from his owner three days later.Before leaving with his owner,he stopped and waved his tail.It seemed that he was very appreciative of my help.Happiness and warmth crowded me at that moment.

    I would never forget that day because it was on that day that I found the meaning and importance of helping others.