Then he smiled 1 the waiter returned with a very unhappy loo


  • 选项 D 当然是对的 如果这是孤立的句子 的话

    但是 本句 是有上下文 的

    That is correct,sir.We have never yet been unable to meet our customers‘ requirements.”

    “Very well,” the man said.“In that case,bring me two elephant ears on toast.Indian,not African.”

    The waiter wrote down on his pad:Two Indian elephant ears on toast.

    “Very good,sir”,he said.“That shouldn''t take long.”

    He walked away quickly.

    The man was very surprised and rather disappointed.

    Then he smiled as the waiter returned with a very unhappy look on his face.

    “Ah!”the man said.“You can’t bring me elephant ears on toast,can you?”

    The waiter was very apologetic.

    “I’m very sorry,sir,and this is most embarrassing,” he said,“but I’m afraid we can’t.Unfortunately,we’ve run out of bread.” The customer was disappointed because the waiter was not worried by his order

    这个顾客 本认为 能难倒 服务员 当服务员面带歉意 返回时 他笑了 认为自己成功了

    没料到 服务员 说 是面包用完了 并非没有 大象耳朵 没有难为住 服务员 这令他很失望