用括号中词的适当形式填空 ( )1.He is interested in ( )(swim).2.They enjoy


  • 用括号中词的适当形式填空

    ( )1.He is interested in ( swimming )(swim).

    2.They enjoy( collecting )(collect)stamps.

    3.Does he love( listening )(listen)to musie?

    4.I prefer ( singing )(sing)to ( dancing )(dance).

    5.He loves ( playing )(play)soccer with us .

    6.Would you like ( to climb )(climb)that mountain with us .

    7.Jim is fond of( acting )(act).问题补充:


    ( C )1.How many students enjoy( )in your class

    A:skate B:go skating C:skating.

    ( B )2.—Let’s go for a picnic this Sunday.--- ( ) wonderful!

    A:listens B:Sounds C:Hears.

    ( B )3.Does he love playing( )basketball or playing ( ) piano?.

    A:the,/ B:/,the .

    C:/ ,/.

    ( C )4.I’m interested ( )basketball ,but I’m not good ( ) it.

    A:on ,in B:with ,for C:in ,at.

    ( B )5.He preferred( )rather than ( ) TV.

    .A:reading ,to watching B: