如题:disappointment和depression,hopelessness ,despair,desperati


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    [A] disappointment =失望."to her disappointment ,there was no chance to talk privately with the President."

    [B] depression = 沮丧."He was suffering from depression."

    [C] hopelessness 名词=绝望; hopeless=同义词 despondent; heartsick.形容词

    "She was utterly hopeless形容词/despondent形容词 at her failure.沮丧的,泄气的"

    "I could sense hopelessness from their faces."

    [D] despair 名词= He was filled with despair at thenews.She shook her head in despair at the futility of it all.绝望 ;

    despair =动词=lose hope = I despair of ever teaching my son anything绝望