

  • Dear Miss Fang

    1. How time flies! It has been a year since you went to teach in Guizhou Province.How are you getting on with your work there? I hope you are well now, I thank you greatly for your teachings and I can not emphasis how much I miss you. If feels just like yesterday when you are still teaching me English and helping me with the troubles that I encounter, but I can proudly say that I have matured into an independent student now. I take responsibilities for my actions and now understand what is expected of me.

    2. I have not further matured my English skills and with time, I believe I can achieve at a even higher academic level. I have had certain difficulties in certain areas, but definitely improving at a steady rate. Last week Wednesday I came out first in an English oral competition and I feel great about that. I feel like I am getting more and more fluent in my speaking and hope to maybe even ameliorate it even further.

    3. I truly miss you greatly and wish to see you as soon as possible. If you come back and visit, make sure to tell me. I would like to end this with how I started it, by telling you how much I thank you for the time and effort you have spent on me and I will never disappoint you, not now and not in the future. Please visit soon.