

  • A.Text (tekst/名词) :

    1 文字内容/ 课文

    The book has 100 pages of closely printed text.

    2 演讲稿

    Can we see the full text of your speech before Tuesday?

    3 指定学习内容/ 选读本

    'Ulysses' is a set text for the exam.

    4 圣经引文

    B.text (tekst/ 动词) :发送文字讯息

    to text message


    A .test (test/ 名词 )

    1 考试/测验

    The class are doing/having a spelling test today.

    She had to take/do/sit an aptitude test before she got the job.

    2 体检

    The doctors have done some tests to try and find out what's wrong with her.

    3 测试

    The new missiles are currently undergoing tests.

    4 考验

    Driving on that icy road was a real test of my skill.

    B.test (test/ 动词)

    1 检测/检验

    The manufacturers are currently testing the new engine.

    They tested her blood for signs of the infection.

    2 测验

    Will you test me on the chemical formulae I've been learning?

    3 试探/挑战

    That lecture really tested my powers of endurance,it was so boring.

    4 检查

    to do a medical examination of part of someone's body or of a particular physical ability