

  • There are a lot of ways to choose a career.Most of them are bad.

    Someone tells you,“Hey,you know,you should be a…” Bad.

    You started a job and just kind of stuck around because nothing better came along.Bad.

    You pick out a college major because it seems interesting at first glance without really knowing the kind of work it entails.Bad.

    Your parents always had some particular dream for you.Bad.

    You took a job because you needed some quick cash and never left because you got hooked on the paychecks.Bad.

    Although they might all seem like different paths on the surface,these careers all have one big thing in common.None of them take you into account.Your passions,your talents,your interests – none of them matter in any of those cases.Instead,they’re all driven by the opinions of others or the vagaries of a paycheck.

    Instead,I suggest the following.This is the exact advice I’ll give to my nieces and nephews as they approach graduation age,and the exact advice I’ll give my own kids as they approach graduation age.
