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  • These two paintings are closed connected to my personality.I am quite introverted and don't speak much in public.Because of my shyness,some people may misunderstood me.I would love to talk to all of you from the bottom of my heart,but don't dare to.

    Sometimes I feel like I am the lonely girl in the painting.Although there are friends around,I still think no one really read my heart.The two pictures described the solitude and loneliness I feel deep in my heart.I am hoping there's someone who can keep me warm.

    Among all the countries in the world,I like Japan the best.

    There are too many reasons why I like Japan.First,Japan is an advanced country with high technology.There are a lot of convenient and practical goods which makes life easier to live in Japan.What's more,I like the culture and tradition there,as well as the beautiful scenaries.I can never be bored on the sightseeing there.The landscape there can calm me down so that I can think of things quietly or just lay back and enjoy myself.For all these reasons,I think Japan is the best place in the world.