

  • Have you ever wordered why we read?

    The answer is simply to seek for knowledge, for entertainment, to understanding and to improve our sense of well-being through the choice of materials available for us to read from. I love reading very much and I would like to share my passion with you.

    Reading materials are well organised into catorgries and types. For example, new papers allow you to keep track with current event, magazines to entertain and read about hobbie related topic, and novels to bring you into a new advanture. In fact, we become subconciously to reading and is constantly reading different things surrounding us, such as notices,posters, road signs and even printed words on vehicals and shirts.

    As for a student, reading is a crucial way to study for better grades. It will also bring people together and improves our well-beings. I am surround by people who like to read and we oftern exchange books and share our after thoughts about the books.

    Reading will take you into a whole new realm full of imagination, creativity and advantures. We read to gain knowledge, to relax, to share and to becme part of the community. I love reading.

    (I changed a lot. hope is ok :) )