完形填空i live most of my life


  • 我的人生故事


    My life story

    Sometimes, when I look at the pile of school books and my reflection in the mirror, I sigh.

    No, it’s not 1 unhappiness, just the realization that everything’s going so 2 . It seemed like yesterday I was still a little girl in 7th Grade. 3 being a freshman looks 4 enough to touch, if I reach out my hand? I can almost feel the responsibilities, the burdens of 5 , pressing against my shoulders.

    Yes, I’m still a 6 in many ways. I do not want to grow up and actually I’m fighting against it. But I know it is a losing 7 . And as I have realized that, I come to the 8 where I have to 9 what I want to do with my life.

    What I never told anyone was that I want the 10 life: I want to go to the university only ten-minute walk away, to be 11 my family and friends , to get a job in this city. I want to live with my parents(I can’t remember the _ 12_ time I called them mommy and daddy) and be a little girl 13 .

    You see, being ordinary is all very 14 . I like being ordinary most times, but I like being exceptional 15 . What I do not want is to become one of those people whose 16 have been washed away by time. I do not want be someone who lives everyday 17 about the next day’s salary, someone whose highlight is to have a good table for poker, someone who can say 18 when a child asks for a life story. As boring as life stories are, isn’t it 19 to have nothing to tell?

    This is my life story 20 , and I hope I have more to tell in the future.

    1C. A. as usual B. as if C. because of D. in general

    2. A. fast B. strange C. difficult D. wrong

    3.A A. But B. So C. Though D. When

    4.D A. wonderful B. likely C. soon D. close

    5.D A. history B. family C. competing others D. growing up

    6. A. pupil B. loser C. child D. fighter

    7A. A. battle B. dream C. goal D. wonderland

    8. A. conclusion B. point C. place D. limit

    9.B A. think B. decide C. know D. tell

    10. A. ordinary B. comfortable C. easy D. great

    11. A. around B. near C. beside D. for

    12. A. only B. happy C. fun D. last

    13. A. then B. instead C. forever D. otherwise

    14. A. well B. simple C. right D. natural

    15. A. indeed B. more C. lately D. least

    16. A. stores B. dreams C. interests D. news

    17. A. worrying B. caring C. setting D. complaining

    18. A. no B. nothing C. something D. such

    19. A. sad B. right C. silly D. funny

    20. A. in fact B. after all C so far D. in all

    1—5 CAADD 6—10 CABBA 11—15 BDCAB 16—20BABAC