Maria’s Picnic Day 作文


  • Maria Jenkins is an English girl. She’s five. She’s in Grade 1.Today is July fourteenth. It’s Children’s Day in England!But Maria still has to go to school… “Why do I still have to go to school?” Maria groans. “I love Children’s Day. I never have to go to school on Children’s Day when I study at Happy Kids Kindergarten.”She walks to school slowly when she sees… “Miss White? What are you doing over here?” Maria asks.Miss White whispers to Maria, “Maria, I will tell you this thing. But don’t tell anyone else. Or it will spoil their surprise. I’m gathering seashells to give one to each of you. It will be a lovely little present for Children’s day.”Maria whispers to Miss White, “Miss White. I will keep it in a secret.”“OK, but what about…”“Of course I can, Miss White.”When the other children have come to the classroom. Miss White says to the children, “Children. We are going to have a picnic. But first, let’s check everyone is all here.”“Maria?”“Here!”“Lisa?”“I’m here, teacher. Can’t see me? I’m over here!”“Ann?”“I’m on my seat, happy and still!”“Alex?”“Over here. Boo!”…“Let’s go and have the picnic. Where will you like to have the picnic? In the school garden? In the school park? Or at the beach?”“At the beach, please. Miss White,” say the children together.“All right. All right. We will walk there,” says Miss White. “Come on. What are you waiting for?”“OK. Miss White,” say the children.“Ah, here we are,” says Miss White. “Since I still have to finish making sandwich. Why don’t you, put on your swimming clothes and go into the sea.”Everyone took off their clothes. Maria takes out a surfboard and a kite. She pushes the surfboard into the water. Then, she quickly stands up on the surfboard. At last, she lets out the kite strings. Some winds come. It make some waves. She begins kite surfing!Sally, Amy, Sam and Alex play with a beach ball. They throw it to one to another. Sally to Sam, Sam to Amy, Amy to Alex, and Alex to Sally.Anna and Ann went in the sea. They float on the sea and swim.Lisa, Leo, Jim and Jen go to find seashells. They split into two teams. “Let’s see which team gets the seashells piles up to fifty first,” shouts Lisa and Jen. “Oh, yeah? You are on!” Leo and Jim shouts back.Helen, Cathy, Sydney, Ken, Suzy, Phoebe, Billy and Danny make a sandcastle. “We are going to make it tall,” says Helen. “High up, it is almost as tall as we!”…Miss White is still making sandwiches. She is making four flavors kinds of sandwiches. They are ham, peanut butter and fresh strawberry jam and blueberry jam.And Miss White has made 92 sandwiches all together. There are four sandwiches for each student. Miss White pulls out two large bottles. She gives everyone two bottles of juice, one strawberry and one blueberry.Then, for the final part, Miss White put a napkin in front of every plate. Under the napkin, she put a seashell. There is one for everyone.Then, Miss White calls, “Come on, children. There is plenty good things to eat for everyone.”Maria stops kite surfing, and put her surfboard away and run to the picnic place. The other children stops what they are doing, and run to the picnic place.Maria picks the ham sandwich and takes a bite. “Delicious!” says Maria.“Yummy!” say the other children.Maria says to Miss White, “Miss White, thanks for taking us out on the beach for a wonderful picnic. I really love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love it!”Miss White smiles, “Oh no, Maria. It isn’t my idea. It’s the head teacher, Miss Jones’ idea. Look, here she comes!”All the children stand up and say together, “Thanks Miss Jones, to let us have a lovely picnic at the beach. We really, really enjoy it.”Miss Jones says, “I just thought that you will enjoy.” Miss Jones smiles, “But I’ve got to turn back to school. I still have work to do. Bye!”When Maria finish her lunch. She walks back to school with the other children. “Hey, look! Balloons. They are my favourite. And it’s-it’s-it’s…Oh, wow! Look at the decorations,” says Maria. She cannot move her eyes away from the beautiful decorations. It’s too, too, too beautiful.Then Maria sees Miss Jones. She runs to Miss Jones. “Miss Jones, it is the best Children’s Day we’ve ever had in our whole life. Thanks for making these activity here. Even we’ve have to get to school.”Miss Jones smiles, “Don’t mention it. Maria. Today is your festival, Children’s Day.”Soon it was time to go home.On Maria’s way home. She sings a special Children’s Day song:Oh, how wonderful school is today.Oh, how wonderful school is today.Oh, how wonderful school is today.On a Monday’s Children’s Day.We’ve have a picnic.We’ve swim in the sea.We’ve played beach ball.All happen today.Oh, how I love today.It’s the best day ever.We’ve play by the beach.Near the Atlantic Ocean.We all have fun.That’s what Maria sings on her way back home, today. And of course, the days in the week changes every Children’s Day. And this song becomes one of Maria’s favourite back to home song. If she sings this song. She can remember the happiness on the beach that day.