希望英语大神帮我改下语法Pursuing this further,Thomas’ reading and writin


  • 感觉某些句子有些生硬,语法也有不少错误,所以根据你写的意思重写了一遍.(偶在英语国家生活好多年了.)

    Thomas is weak in reading and writing,so he should continue practising his studying skills to overcome these challenges.

    These skills will make him to feel more comfortable in the college and will also improve his reading and writing skills.

    There are many advantages for him to take this class.First of all,Mr.Jackson is a cheerful and responsible person.He has a good sense of humour which influences the students in a positive way.His jokes told in class often make the students laughing out loudly.

    Also,there are only two multiple choice tests throughout the semester and no assignment.That's good news for Thomas because he will have much more time to prepare the homework from other courses.The time he saves can be used to assist his family's business.Furthermore,Mr.Jackson is known to help the students to explore their college goals.These goals will be accomplished according to the planned schedule.This will really encourage Thomas to try his best in studying.

    On the other hand,this class is optional for graduation.Therefore,the credits will not be counted on his university transcript.However,I still believe Thomas should take this course for all the knowledge he will gain.

    In conclusion,he should not drop this class becuase it will benefit him to quickly adapt these study skills.