

  • 是要小故事还是什么?

    我这里有,很简单的英语故事,相信您的孩子会明白的,最好锻炼一下他的理解能力.实在翻译不了,我在把翻译发给您.题目(Two hands are better than one)

    One day,an elephant met a monkey.“Look,how big and strong I am!” the elephant said.“I can break a tree,can you break a tree?”“Look,how quickly I can run and climb!”said the monkey.“Can you climb a tree?”

    The elephant was very proud because he was so strong,and the monkey was also proud becausehe was so quick.But which is better,to be strong or to be quick?They didn’tknow.

    “The rabbit will tell us.Let’s go to her .”said themonkey.And they went to the rabbit andsaid.“Tell us what you think about it.Which is better,to be strong or to bequick?” The rabbit said to them,“Do what I tell you,and then you will seewhich is better.Do you see that bigapple tree across the river?Go and pick some apples for me.”So the elephantand the monkey went to the river.Theriver was so deep and the monkey was afraid to swim.

    “I can carry you ,” said the elephant.“I’m big andstrong so I’m not afraid to swim.” The monkey sat down the elephant’s back,andthey swam to the bank.Elephant tried to pick apples from it,but the appleswere too high,so he can’t reach them.

    “I can climb up the tree.”said the monkey.He climbed up the tree and threw some applesto the ground.The elephant picked themup.Then they gave some apples to the rabbit.“Now tell us.”they said.“Which isbetter,to be strong or to be quick?”

    “How can I tell you which is better?”answered therabbit.“You,elephant,you,monkey,you couldn’t get the apples without anyone.Everybody has his own good points.But two heads are better than one.”
