

  • 我来告诉你

    1-5 CACBD 6-10 CABCA 11-15 BADCA 16-20 DBCAB 21-25 CDAAC 26-30 AACBC

    31-35 DCABD 36-40 TFFFT 41 unusual 42.fiew 43 nearly 44 threw 45 climb 46 years 47 simple 48 attract 49 fewer 50 remembered 51 out without 52 for 53 In out 54 as 55 form 56 especially 57 After of 58 He had who helpers at that time.59 He used to work in a small shop

    60.Theball struck him in the race.61.Once he landed the roof on a house.62She warpped it

    up as quickly as possible

