

  • 我这正好有一篇英文影评,是英美文学课交过的作业,但只供你借鉴和参考,请勿抄袭.根据新版,莱昂那多主演

    review of Romeo and Julie(

    The film was produced by modern people according to the origin production,the play is a great love tragedy written by Shakespeare,It takes place in the town of Verona.

    The Montagues and Capulets are two families that do not really like each other.They are involved in a family argument that has been going on for years.The two young members of the two families fell in love,but they are disturbed by their relatives,in the fight of theirs action for love,a good friend of Romeo's,ends up in a fight with Tybalt (Capulet),Juliet's cousin.Tybalt kills Mercutio,which causes Romeo to kill Tybalt in an angry temper.For this,Romeo is banished from Verona.Finally,because of a great misunderstanding,Romeo drinks poison and dies.When Juliet's potion wears off,she awakens to find her lover's corpse.She then proceeds to stab herself with Romeo's dagger.

    If we assume this tragedy as a play which is produced by a modern author,we will feel the scenario is stereotype,the duologue is boring.But the great play was written in hundreds years ago.In that time,people are living a rather close and dark age,the mettle which this play shows encourage people to break the old and unfair administration system.Factually speaking,It contains a kind of precious values.

    In a feudal society,the love’s between boy and girl’s is decided by the two families’ relationship and common benefit.Romeo and Julie’s brave action for true love is so unbelievable in that moral system.As for the original significance of love,their fight for free shows that the value of humanity.Though the play is end up with the deaths of both figures,as a pair of close lovers,their love be free.

    Although the film described a story in modern society,the moral value then is still old and unfair.Romeo and Julie happiness are controlled firmly by each family.In the end of the scenario,Romeo was poisoned by himself,and Julie was shot by herself.In fact the poison and the gun are the symbols of evil power in that period.The deaths criticizes the society.