从方框中选择正确的词,并且其适当形式填空 (learn from ,happy ,be good for ,know ,


  • 从方框中选择正确的词,并且其适当形式填空

    (learn from ,happy ,be good for ,know ,colleet kites ,used to)

    1 Doing monrning exereises( is good for ) our health .

    2 .He enjoys ( collecting kites ) youas a hobby .

    3.We must ( learn from ) each other and help each other.

    4.He ( used to )like painting ,now he likes singing..

    5.Look !How ( happily ) they’re dancing in the park !.

    6.Hobbies can also bring people ( knowledge ).


    ( B )1.--- What’s your hobby ---- My hobby is ( ) toys .

    A:collect B:collecting C:collects .

    ( B ) 2.--- They ( ) to visit that place .---What a pity !

    A:didnt used B:didn’t use C:not use .

    ( A )3.He is good ( ) food .So she isswiming .Swimming is good ( ) health .

    A:at ,for

    B:for ,for C:for ,at.

    ( C )4.He finished ( ) the letter half an hour ago .

    A:write B:to write

    C:writing .

    ( C )5.He prefers ( )to ( ) ..

    A:running ,walk

    B:runing ,walking C:running ,skating

    ( C )6.--- What makes him ( ) ---- Someone broke his bike .

    A:happy B:happily C:angry .

    ( B )7.People are ( ) in those ( ) kites .

    A:interesting ,interesting

    B:interested ,interesting C:interested ,interested

    ( B )8.He visited the Great Wall a week ago ,so he learned ( ) French on TV about it ..

    A:a lot B:a lot of C:lots of


    1.The boys used to go fishing by the river.(改为一般疑问句)

    ( Did ) the boys ( use ) to go fishing by the river

    2.Tom used to swim( in the river).(括号部分提问)

    ( What )( did ) Tom ( use )( to )( do

    3.She learned English all by herself .( 改为同义句 )

    She ( taught ) ( herself ) English.

    4.Lucy used to (collect coins as her hobby .) (括号部分提问)

    ( What )( things ) did Lucy ( use )( to )( do

    5.Jim enjoys collecting model planes .( 改为同义句 ).

    Jim ( is )( good )( at ) collecting model planes .


    A.Hi,Tom.There are so ( many ) mpdel planes .I think you must ( be ) interested in it .

    B .Yes ,( Repairing ) wrong model planes is my hobby .I want to ( be ) an astronaut () when I ( grow ) ( up ) .How about you What are you ( fond ) of .

    A .I ( used ) to enjoy dancing ( and ) music .But now I prefer photos of famous stars .

    B .Do you mean you are ( interested ) in acting .