

  • How to prevent a cold

    Many people have got a headache, cough because of cold.Speaking of a cold,for us is not strange.

    In order to help people to prevent colds.here I will tell you some advice to prevent a cold. The first one is that you should often drink water.The hot water is often good for us.And when change garments according to the season you must to keep warm.For exemple,when winter comes,the weather is becoming colder and colder,we should pay attention to add clothing.The next ,often open a window is also a good way to prevent a cold,it can help air circulation.Fanilly,often exercise can help us to have a healthy body.Insist on taking exercise every day is so good.

    Listen to these suggestions,you will not have a cold.To prevent a cold,to make our life more beautiful and more healthy.




    为了帮助人们预防感冒,我在这里将告诉你预防感冒的一些建议.第一,你应该经常喝水.热水往往是对人体很好的.根据不同的季节增减衣物保持身体暖和.例如,当冬天来临时,天气变得越来越冷了,要注意添加衣物.接下来,经常打开窗户也是预防感冒的好方法,它可以帮助空气流通.最后,经常锻炼可以帮助我们有一个健康的身体.坚持每天锻炼身体是那么好. 听从这些建议,你就不会感冒.预防感冒,使我们的生活更美好、更健康.