

  • TI技术文档应该有说明的,我记得是build-increase by steprebuild 则是全部,就是把相应的文件全部链接,具体你再看下技术文档P.S. 我自己查了下技术文档:TI CCS user guide,建议你提问提前先看看相应的文档Incremental BuildSelect Project->Build to build the current project. This command compilesonly the files that have changed since the last build. Whether a file must becompiled is determined by comparing the time stamp of the source file to thatof the object file. If the source file's time stamp is greater than thecorresponding object file's time stamp, the file is recompiled. To determinewhether the output file must be re-linked, the time stamp of each object file iscompared to that of the output file. The output file is re-linked if the object file'stime stamp is greater.Rebuild AllSelect Project->Rebuild All to recompile all files in the current project andre-link the output file.build是指increase buildrebuild 其实是rebuild all 查看原帖