

  • 其实你可以找些一般过去时的东西去看啊,不用非要找那个课!

    1过去进行时主要表示过去某个时刻或某一阶段正在进行的动作,常和表示过去时间的状语then,at this(that) time, yesterday,at nine,last night等连用.但在不少情况下,没有表示时间的状语,这时需要通过上下文来表示.

    公式:主n+was+Ving+表n *be=助动词

    What were you doing at nine last night? 昨晚九点时,你在做什么?

    I called you yesterday afternoon but there was no answer. 昨天下午我打电话给你,但是没有人接电话.

    I was visiting a friend of mine most of the afternoon. 我昨天下午大部分时间,都在一个朋友家里.

    2 当两个一长一短的动作在过去某时间同时发生时,用过去进行时表示较长的动作.过去进行时可用于主句,也可用于从句.

    It was raining hard when I left my office. 当我离开办公室时,雨下得正大.

    When you called,I was eating. 你打电话时,我正在吃饭.

    When I was cleaning the windows, my brother was sweeping the floor. (当)我在擦窗户的时候,我弟弟在拖地.

    Some students were playing football,while others were running round the track. 一些学生在踢足球,同时别的学生正在跑道上跑步.

    We were walking along the river when(suddenly) It rained.我们沿着河边散步,突然下起雨来.

    They were watching TV when the lights went out.停电时,他们刚好在看电视.(注意:同上例)

    3 过去进行时表示过去将来的动作


    She went to see Xiao Li.

    He was leaving early the next morning.她去看小李.他第二天一早就要离开此地了.

    She asked him whether he was coming back to lunch.她问他晚饭是否准备回来吃.

    4 过去进行时和一般过去时的区别



    Li Ming washed the dishes. 李明洗过盘子了.

    Li Ming was washing the dishes. 李明在洗盘子.

    The children watched TV yesterday evening.昨天晚上孩子们看了电视.

    The children were watching TV yesterday evening.昨晚孩子们整晚都在看电视.(没干别的)

    I was reading a novel this morning.上午我在看小说.(可能没看完)

    I read a novel this morning.上午我看了一本小说.(已经看完了)


    1. While we __________ (wait) for the bus, a girl __________ (run) up to us.

    2. I __________ (telephone) a friend when Bob __________ (come) in.

    3. Jim __________ (jump) on the bus as it __________ (move) away.

    4. We __________ (test) the new machine when the electricity __________ (go) off.

    5. She __________ (not want) to stay in bed while the others ________________ (all, work) in the fields.

    6. While mother ________ (put) Cathy to bed, the door bell ________ (ring).

    7. As I __________ (walk) in the park, it __________ (begin) to rain.

    8. Even when she ___________ (be) a child she ________________ (already, think) of becoming a ballerina (芭蕾舞演员).

    9. It was quite late at night. George __________ (read) and Amy __________ (ply) her needle when they __________ (hear) a knock at the door.

    10. There __________ (be) a group round the fire when they __________ (reach) it. An old woman __________ (sit) on the ground near the kettle; two small children __________ (lie) near her; a donkey __________ (bend) his head over a tall girl.