一道93年英语高考选择题____ he said at the meeting astonished everybody


  • 一道93年英语高考选择题

    ____ he said at the meeting astonished everybody present.

    A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter

    1. 为什么不可以选c和d?

    2. 如果把这道题改成“____ he told at the meeting astonished everybody present.”


    我觉得虽然不可以说“say the fact“,但是可以说“tell the fact”吧



    析:此题考主语从句.what he said at the meeting= the words that he said at the meeting 是名词性从句,在句中作主语.合句意,合语法为最佳选择.

    1. 如选择C,则可认为主语是the fact, he said at the meeting 是省略了关系代词的定语从句,从句法形式上是通的.这个事实让在场的每一个人大吃一惊.句意也通.但我还没有加入这个限制性定语.是哪个事实呢?是那个他在会上说的事实.汉语似乎很通顺,说的=》说出来的,但英语是不是通顺呢?我们需要看一看say这个及物动词的英语说法,动宾搭配.查词典及平时的语言实践我们知道,say的宾语,一般多为“直接引语”或间接引语.如果按名词,则主要“a sound, word,etc”如: He didn't say a word. You must learn to say "please", young man!

    它还常跟不定代词something, 如say something about your family. 疑问句中就用what:What did he say? 除此之外,没见过有say a fact, say a matter这样的动宾搭配.所以选择CD不合英语的语言习惯.排除CD

    你也有这个感觉:不可以说“say the fact”.

    2. 但是可以说“tell the fact”吧?

    答:是的,但tell一般都用作双宾语:tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事.可以说tell us a story/a fact/ a matter的.只有在一定的语境中,才可以省略这个间接宾语.

    所以,如果你非要选CD,则要将said 改为told us才妥:

    ____ he told us at the meeting astonished everybody present.

    A. What B. That C. The fact D. The matter



    那就成为一个不好的题了.除非在题句后加上一句:Which is NOT correct? 答案为B.