

  • 1.Sponge.Time is like the water in sponge,if you squeeze it,you can always get some.

    2 Green Giant is a food company owned by General Mills.It is symbolized by two mascots -- the Jolly Green Giant and his friend little Sprout.是一家食品公司,也是Betty Crocker的书,你说的是哪一个?

    3 「如果说我看得比别人更远,那是因为我站在巨人的肩上.」伊萨克‧牛顿在一六七六年致罗伯特‧胡克的一封信中这样写道.

    "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton,letter to Robert Hooke,1676

    5 be going to do sth打算要做,will do sth将会做,没有强调打算,be to do sth自然而然地将做.

    6 明喻明喻是隐喻的一个种类,它与隐喻的主要区别在于它含有like、as、s nl if、“像”、“好似”之类的标志词,明确向听话者表明这是隐喻式话语.暗喻则直接说是,比如“工作好比千斤担”是明蝓;“工作是副千斤担”是暗喻