介词填空A child's curious nature,coupled their relative lack of


  • 用 to, at, for或 with填空

    1 I don't agree 【with】you.

    2 She preferred 【to】 wait 【for】him.

    3 We have been corresponding 【with】 each other for years.

    4 How do you account 【for】this?

    5 Do you object 【to】my smoking?

    6 I'm surprised【at】you! present.

    7 You must reply【to】his letter.

    8 He has some important business to attend 【for】.

    9 Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car 【for】water?

    10 Has it occurred 【to】 you that she must have arrived【at】London Airport by now?

    11 I was shocked【at】his indifference!

    12 You must comply 【with】the rules of the game.

    13 Poor Mary! She has so much to cope 【with】!

    14 Please don't mention it 【to】my husband, but I paid £50 【for】this hat.

    15 She was quite unprepared【for】the news.

    16 Don't blame me 【for】the accident!

    17 I'm disgusted【with】your behaviour!

    18 You forgot to thank Aunt Jane【with】her

    19 It is rude to stare【at】 people.

    20 I'm not satisfied 【with】your work.

    21 His debt now amounts 【to】 £100.

    22 Mix the contents of this packet 【with】a little 【for】this?

    23 I knocked 【at】the door.

    24 Whom does this book belong 【to】?

    25 I reasoned 【for】 him, but he would not listen 【to】me.

    26 She's accustomed【to】living in comfort. She'll never part 【with】her precious possessions.

    27 At what time will you call 【to】me better?

    28 The spy surrendered himself 【to】the enemy and was condemned【to】death.

    29 I've looked【for】 it everywhere, but I can't find it.

    30 I'll see【for】the cooking tonight.

    31 I must apologize【for】keeping you waiting. exercise?

    32 The class failed to respond【with】the teacher's new methods.

    33 He turned【to】me for help, even after I had quarrelled 【with】 him.

    34 Like Micawber, I hope【for】something

    35 Please apply【to】the secretary for information.

    36 There was a note attached 【with】the parcel.

    37 Just guess 【at】the price of this carpet.

    38 How long have you been working【at / for】this

    39 The concert began【with】a piece by an unknown composer.

    40 How much did they charge you 【for】that?

    赠人玫瑰,手留余香!——福来美Flower Magic

